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     Question Forum :  Prophecies Concerning Iraq    Date Posted:  12 - April  -  2003




In your article "The New Age: The Coming of Dajjal" [Date Published: Jan 1995] you wrote the following: 

"Allah's messenger warned us of a battle over mountains of black gold near the Euphrates which was going to be fought in three distinct stages" 

Can you please provide the reference to this hadith?

The quoted sentence was our interpretation of the following Adhadith: 

"Abu Hurairah reported that the messenger of Allah said: It is near that the Euphrates will disclose a treasure of gold. Let him who will be present take nothing from it." [Agreed] 

"Abu Hurairah reported that the messenger of Allah said: The Hour shall not occur until the Euphrates will disclose a mountain of gold over which people will fight. 99 out of every hundred will be killed, and every one of them will say: hopefully I will be saved." [Agreed] 

"Abdullah bin Masud reported: The last Hour shall not come to pass until heritage shall no longer be divided and there will be no rejoicing over booty. Then he said: The enemies shall muster strong against the people of As-Sham, and the Muslims will also muster strong against them, that is the Romans. Then the Muslims will select a detachment for death in order to only return if victorious. They will fight till night will intervene between them. Both sides will return, without being victorious, and the detachment will be wiped out. The Muslims will again select a detachment for death in order to only return if victorious. They will fight till the night will intervene between them. Then they will return too, each one without being victorious, and the detachment will be wiped out. The Muslims will again select a detachment for death in order to only return if victorious. They will then fight till evening. Then they too will return, each one without being victorious. On the fourth day, the remaining soliders of Islam will rush upon them, and Allah will then ordain defeat upon them. They will fight a fight the like of which was not seen, so much that if a bird will pass by their flanks, it will not be able to cross them till it falls dead. The children of a family numbering a hundred will count and find that only one of them has survived. So which booty will they rejoice over, and what heritage will be divided? They will be in this way until they will hear of an even greater calamity. A cry will reach them that the Dajjal has appeared amongst their children in their absence. They will then drop what is in their hands and move forward and will send ten horsemen as spies. The messenger of Allah said: I know their names and the names of their fathers and the colours of their horses. They will be the best horesmen of the time on the surface of the earth." [Muslim] 

"Anas reported that the messenger of Allah said: O Anas! People will build cities, and one of those cities will be called Basra. Should you pass by it or enter it, respect its marshes, pastures, palm trees, markets, and the gates of its rulers, and be careful with its environment, for it will witness sinking (of the earth), bombardment (pelting), and earthquake, and people will spend the night and rise in the morning as monkeys and swine." [Mishkat]. 

Note: crude oil is often referred to as black gold, and it is stored in underground reservoir rocks.

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