
owns our opinion?
power of the media is often talked about, and whilst media
conglomerates are in many respects no different from other
multinational concerns and the economic and political power they
wield, the media companies influence is more direct in that they
have immediate access to the readers, listeners, and viewers of
their publications. It would be wrong to suggest that people believe
everything they read or hear, but there can be equally no doubt that
as long as a particular message is repeated often enough, it will
gradually be accepted as true. To investigate who owns the networks
which want to shape our opinion is thus paramount, as is the
question whose interests they pursue. The myth of the free press
certainly goes out of the window when looking at the interconnected
controlling interests in media outlets. There are, of course,
smaller, maybe more independent contenders on the market, but they
lack comparable circulation and, more importantly, do often not have
the resources to source their own stories. So whilst they might put
a different tint on a report, they will have to rely on the major
news agencies for their information feed. These agencies are
anything from impartial and are part and parcel of the media
ownership setup. Almost a third of Reuters, one of the oldest and
largest, for example, is owned by the Daily Mail Group. These
agencies filter out all the available news and pass on a mere 2% of
it, which makes up the pool from which their subscribers choose
their news stories. This slimming down of the news is probably one
of the most crucial contributors to partisan reporting, forcing even
rival media publications to limit their differences to what has been
deemed suitable for them as raw material.
in-depth study of media ownership requires a book, not a mere
article. This brief description is, therefore, more intended to
raise awareness and encourage further study. Globally, the biggest
media empire is the one created out of the merger of AOL and Time
Warner – it covers the cinema and film industry, tv channels
(terrestrial, satellite, and cable), magazines, journals, books,
papers, and, increasingly important, the internet. CNN, Netscape,
CompuServe, Time Life, are just a few of the well known AOL Time
Warner brands. In the UK it owns IPC, the biggest magazine publisher
reaching over 50% of the population.
is followed by The Walt Disney Company as the next largest media
group in the world, then Bertelsmann (the German conglomerate which
own 65% of Channel Five) and Viacom (owning Paramaount and
Blockbuster). Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, which dominates
the UK market, only makes it to number five on the world scene. This
group headed by the Australian born naturalised American owns Fox
and the New York Post in the United States, and News International,
a holding for BskyB, the Sun, the Times, Today, News of the World,
and Sunday Times in the UK. It also owns the Asian TV Channel Star
which is marketing programmes at British Asians. We’ll begin our
journey around the UK media monopolies with this group which in
recent months has been the most vociferous war-mongerer in the run
up to the attack on Iraq.
Sun has almost 3.5 million readers, and together with the other
above mentioned papers News International has a circulation of just
under 10 million equating to a 37% share of newspaper sales in the
country. British Sky Broadcasting claims in excess of 3 million
homes as subscribers. If this is not a power base, then what is, and
it is due to News International’s shift from the Conservatives to
New Labour in 1997 that the Blair government owes its electoral
success. In turn, the government will do whatever possible, to keep
Murdoch and his empire sweet, as they could hardly afford losing
such an important ally. The Sun has always had a nationalistic and
xenophobic stance, be it football or asylum seekers. The Home
Secretary’s hardline stance on asylum seekers may well be
influenced by the policy makers of News International, and the
governments hesitation to press ahead with European integration
might be in consideration of the media response, as Murdoch is
strongly opposed to interventions by the European Union. Just as
newspapers need to keep their advertisers sweet, governments will
need to keep their media allies on board.
next contender on the newspaper scene is the Trinity Mirror group
publishing the Daily Mirror (just over 2 million readers), the
Sunday Mirror (1.7 million) and Sunday People (1.4 million) as well
as the Daily Record and Sunday Mail in Scotland. Its share of
national newspaper circulation is 23%. Once part of the Maxwell
empire, the group has recently tried to increase its readership by
latching on to the anti-war movement. The Mirror group also owns a
large number of regional newspaper titles.
Daily Mail and General Trust plc is small in comparison, with only
13% of UK newspaper circulation, the Daily Mail and the Mail on
Sunday having just under 2.5 million readers each. With the London
Evening Standard (385.500 readers), however, it dominates the London
newspaper market. It also owns or has a controlling interest in many
of the regional newspapers and free advertisers, has a strong stake
in numerous regional radio stations, owns 20% of ITN, 40% of
Teletext, and 31% of the Reuters news agency. The group is owned by
the family of the Viscount of Rothermere and has always had
Conservative leanings.
MAI is the new name for the group now owning the Express newspapers
after they were sold by Lord Hollick (the paper which offered Robert
Kilroy Silk a platform for his anti-Muslim rantings). The group is
headed by Richard Desmond who also has an assortment of porn
publications in his portfolio, which was the reason for his donation
to the Labour Party to become controversial. The Daily Express has a
circulation of 950,000; the Daily Star 640,000; the Sunday Express
840,000; giving United MAI a share of 14% in national newspaper
circulation. They are also a minority stake holder (29%) in Channel
5 TV, the majority holding being owned by the German media giant
Telegraph Group Ltd. only publishes the Daily Telegraph (970,000)
and Sunday Telegraph (775,000), thus representing 7.5% of the
national circulation, as well as the magazine Spectator, but it is
another example of British News being dominated by outside
interests. The Telegraph is owned by Conrad Black, chair of the
Hollinger Group, the largest Canadian newspaper holding, and it
consistently reflects the opinions of the US and Israeli right wing,
also publishing hundreds of titles in those two countries, including
the Jerusalem Post. Richard Perle, one of the key war mongers in the
American administration is involved in Hollinger Digital.
the “minor” players in the UK are Pearson who publish the
Financial Times (465,000 readers) and fully own Thames TV as well as
the Longman and Penguin publishing houses, the Guardian Media Group
plc with the Guardian (380,000) and the Observer (400,000), and the
Independent News and Media plc publishing the Independet (190,000)
and the Independent on Sunday (195,000) plus some regional and
advertising titles. The Muslim News, being distributed free of
charge, in comparison claims a circulation figure of 60,000. This
seems optimistic, seeing that the largest Urdu daily in the UK, the
Daily Jang reports only a circulation of 12,000.
close this round-up of media moguls with a brief comment on the
allegedly impartial BBC financed publicly through the licence fee.
The Corporation has also ventured into commercial holdings and owns,
for example, a stake in Telecommunications Inc., a US corporation
whose British subsidiary Flextech owns The Family Channel, Playboy,
Bravo, Discovery and The Sega Channel as well as 20% of Scottish TV.
Another UK subsidiary, Tinta, is part-owner of the UK’s largest
cable operator TeleWest. TCI in turn is a major investor in Bill
Gates’ Microsoft, the company awarded lucrative deals by the
government for computerising Britain’s schools. The media world is
truly incestuous.
Author: Islamic
Party of
Britain |
Date Published:
Spring 2003 |
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