
then is Freemasonry?
following letter was sent to the United Grand Lodge of England in
August 1995, requesting answers to certain questions which have been
ignored or avoided by Masonic authorities for centuries. A year
later some unsatifactory answers were received, in a roundabout way,
from Mr. R.A. Gilbert, a leading Masonic historian in charge of
Freemasonry's 'Premier Lodge of Masonic Research: Ars Quatuour
Coronati', following his request, for review purposes, of: Satanic
Voices - Ancient & Modern, which he received together with a
copy of the following correspondence. Needless to say he was not too
happy with the contents of either.
the attention of Mr.John Hamill, Curator and Librarian, United Grand
Lodge of England.
spent the past forty years observing the actions of Freemasons from
a somewhat unique vantage point and the last twenty of those forty
studying the origins and rituals of Craft, Ancient and Accepted
Scottish, and Grand Orient Masonry, etc., it is now possible to
challenge your claims, and those of your colleagues like Commander
Michael Bernard Shepley Higham, that Freemasonry is not merely an
adjunct to religion, but a religion in and of itself. And,
furthermore, a religion with origins much earlier than 1717A.D. and
far, far older than Anthony Sayer, your first Grand Master.
recognizing fully, that ignorance can be bliss for some, with error
continuing to delight the hearts of its masonic followers for
what else could explain their blind adherence to it on the one hand,
whilst admitting complete ignorance of its true origins on the other
(The Guardian (30/7/95)? However,
as Muslims, we must defend your right to believe in what ever faith
you choose; for the Qur'an clearly states, there can be no
compulsion in religion. However, at the same time, we cannot condone
the use of disinformation to try and discredit those who have worked
earnestly to bring to your notice and to the attention of a wider
public, the preposterous errors (no matter how agreeable or
'sublime') being passed off as eternal truths by organizations such
as yours. It is true, that some of those who abandoned freemasonry
(finding it repellent, having taken the time to check its origins),
may have been robust in their denunciations of the Order. Others,
who having studied most if not all of its published and some
of its unpublished data came to a more polite conclusion,
describing Freemasonry as a cult, derived from "a non-divine,
non-celestial source." However, without the more recent
disclosures by Masonic insiders, and insiders from similarly
secretive organizations, it was not possible to prove, in black and
white, with absolute certainty and beyond 'all reasonable doubt';
that the rituals used by members of the Masonic Craft and other
Masonic degrees today, are merely the disguised,
sanitised versions, of those found in the covens of the 'Old
Religion', which was practiced prior to the founding of Grand Lodge
in 1717. In other words 'Masonic', 'Masonry' and 'Craft' are
euphemisms or abbreviations to describe the 'Old Religion of Wicca',
the cult of 'Cunning Men'. Therefore, it can now be stated,
categorically, and without fear of further contradiction, that the
'Masonic Craft' and its other branches and degrees, are simply
'Witch Craft' by another name, albeit of the all male variety.
of course, I hear you say that: "this is an old charge".
And, yes, it may well be
'an old anvil that has worn out a many hammers'.
But, as mentioned, the new evidence validates the perennial
arguments contained in the works of modern writers like Martin
Short, and the much maligned Nesta H. Webster, to say nothing of
Walton Hannah's 'Darkness Visible' and 'Christian by Degrees', which
sets out the anti‑Masonic case very well indeed. However, in
his case, he laments as blasphemous the utilisation of certain New
Testament passages as part of Masonic ritual, on the other hand,
Islam takes the view, that the New Testament words in question are
similarly erroneous, and constitute a blasphemy in themselves.
putting that aside for the moment. The supreme paradox in all of
Hannah's scholarship is
that whilst he saw clearly the errors in Freemasonry and defended
himself admirably in 1956, against what he called the
"Masonic‑Fundamentalism" of Arthur Brown and
Professor G.W.H. Lampe, elegantly pointing out that Mr. Brown was
not a sufficient theologian "to realise that heterodoxy almost
always resembles orthodoxy, sometimes very closely, and often trades
off the resemblance". And yet, having said that, he, himself,
failed unfortunately to recognise the heterodox nature of the
"Fourth Gospel," as clearly as he had recognised the
heterodoxy of the "The Eighteenth [Rose Croix] Degree."
As a former Roman Catholic myself, one could say, that having
given up Anglicanism, and going over to Roman Catholicism, Hannah,
made the classic error of 'jumping out of the frying pan into the
fire'. Hopefully, he discovered in time, the similarities between
Roman Catholicism, Freemasonry and the 'Old Pagan' sacraments of
Witchcraft. In the light of which, Romany‑Catholicism, would
perhaps be a more suitable epithet to describe the rituals
authorised by the Vatican. Hannah, would have been horrified to read
Aleister Crowley's allegations that there was no incompatibility
between the rituals of Freemasonry, Catholicism, and, as we shall
see, the Coven. He said:
freemasonry has been 'exposed' every few minutes for the last
century or so, and as any laymen can walk into a masonic shop and
buy the complete Rituals for a few pence, the only omissions being
of no importance to our present point, it would be imbecile to
pretend that the nature of the ceremonies of Craft masonry is in any
sense a 'mystery'. There is, therefore, no reason for refraining
from the plain statement that, to anyone who understands the
rudiments of symbolism, the Masters degree is identical with the
Mass. This is in fact the real reason for the papal anathema; for
freemasonry asserts that every man is himself the living, slain and
re-risen Christ in his own person. It is true that not one mason in
ten thousand in England is aware of this fact; but he has only to
remember his 'raising' to realise the fundamental truth of the
statement. Well may Catholic and Freemason alike stand appalled at
the stupendous blasphemy which is implied... For the 'sacrifice of
the Innocent' celebrated alike in Lodge and in cathedral is this
identical murder of the Master of the Fellow Craftsmen... [Hiram
Abiff]" [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley.p.699]
indeed. On the subject of Hiram Abiff, Liddell has this contribution
to make in Chapter Nine: "Lucifer was deemed to be 'the
indwelling spirit' in the human mechanism. The fall of angels
was correctly understood to represent the incarnation of Divinity in
carnal flesh. The allegory concerning the sons of God and the
'daughters of men' (Genesis O.T.) is yet another attempt to explain
the mystery whereby Divinity became associated with flesh. Many
English Freemasons have stressed that the Hiramic legend peculiar to
the Compagonnage is different from the legend obtaining in the
British Masonic fraternity. This is hardly surprising; Hiram Abiff
is a euphemism for Lucifer, the solar force. Clerical prejudice
ensured that the original Craft (Masonic) legend was modified to
extol a human being rather than the much maligned Lucifer [ a Jinn
or Genie]. Indeed the
allegory of the Tower of Babel is yet another corruption of a
similar theme from the Saracen Mysteries... medieval witches and
English Freemasons substituted 'Nimrod' for the name of Lucifer.
Nimrod is a generic term for the struggle of the 'indwelling god'
who would aspire to Heaven. Lucifer as the informing entity in
humankind can be equated with Nimrod... Most Freemasons would be
startled to learn that Nimrod and the Tower of Babel were
[originally] one of the pivots of the (Masonic) Craft legend... our
first most excellent Grand Master is declared to be King Nimrod
himself, the builder of that [in]famous Tower and it was he, not
King Solomon, who is said to have given the operative Masons of his
day their first 'Charge'."
would, therefore, seem that the main reason for the continuing
hostility between Freemasonry and the Vatican, was and still is, as
Crowley described it, the mutual struggle for market‑share. An
extension of the hostilities existing elsewhere between 'competing
brothers', who, he said, were: "divided by sectarian squabbles
about jurisdiction." Speaking of Crowley, you may remember,
that we were introduced by Ellic Howe, author of, amongst other
works: 'The Magicians
of The Golden Dawn' and 'Astrology: A Recent History...of its Role
in World war II'. The
introduction took place at a Masonic Fringe gathering at Regent's
College in London, which was organized in part by The Most
Honourable Marquess of Northampton, Deputy Grand Director of
Ceremonies at your United Grand Lodge, to commemorate the centenary
of the founding of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. A function
which you addressed and one which I attended as an observer with
Martin Short. Needless to say, it was a brief encounter. On the
other hand, our discussions with Bro. Howe, were much longer and
quite amicable, in spite of his veiled threat that he was still
gifted in the art of black propaganda and capable of resuming his
old wartime activities against us if we delved too far into Masonic
matters. Apart from being surprised at the time (by the way, it
would no longer surprise me) to see the Chief
Librarian and Curator of the Museum of Grand Lodge Library
and Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No.2076, freemasonry's 'Premier
Lodge of Research', namely yourself and Ellic Howe, participating in
a public gathering of such a notorious Occult Satanic order as the
Golden Dawn, dedicated to uphold, amongst other things, 'The Pagan
Rites of Spring', and 'Vedic, Fire Worship'. The biggest surprise,
however, was discovering that your Deputy Grand Director of
Ceremonies played a part in organizing it. Which begs the question:
How is it possible, with all the information at your disposal, and
access to all the relevant data, for you not to have drawn the
conclusion that the origins of Freemasonry prior to 1717 were, and
still are, rooted firmly and exclusively in Witchcraft and Ritual
new evidence, which I mentioned, is to be found in a recent book
entitled: 'The Pickingill Papers ‑ The Origins of the
Gardnerian Craft' by
W.E. Liddell and Michael Howard. Published in 1994 by Capall Bann
Publishing, ISBN 1898307105. But,
before discussing this particular work, and for the benefit of a
wider readership, I wish to refresh your memory as to: 'The Purpose
of the Golden Dawn', and the credentials of its founder members.
Quoting from the Order's own history lecture, Israel Regardie, in
his book: "What You Should Know About The Golden Dawn",
states on page 7:
Order of the Golden Dawn is an Hermetic Society whose members are
taught the principles of Occult Science and the Magic of Hermes...
Prominent among the Adepti of our Order and of public renown were
Eliphas Levi the greatest of modern French magi; Ragon, the author
of several books of occult lore; Kenneth M. Mackenzie, author of the
famous and learned Masonic Encyclopaedia; and Frederick Hockley
possessed of the power of vision in the crystal, and whose
manuscripts are highly esteemed. These and other contemporary Adepti
of this Order received their knowledge and power from predecessors
of equal and even of greater eminence. They received indeed and have
handed down to us their doctrine and system of Theosophy and
Hermetic Science and the higher Alchemy from a long series of
practised investigators whose origin is traced to the Fratres Roseae
Crucis of Germany, which association was founded by one Christian
Rosenkreutz about the year 1398 A.D...."
Rosicrucian revival of Mysticism was but a new development of the
vastly older wisdom of the Qabalistic Rabbis and of that very
ancient secret knowledge, the Magic of the Egyptians, in which the
Hebrew Pentateuch tell you that Moses the founder of the Jewish
system was 'learned', that is, in which he had been initiated."
then informs us on page 8: "In a slender but highly informative
booklet entitled 'Data of the History of the Rosicrucians' published
in 1916 by the late Dr.William Wynn Westcott, we find the following
brief statement: 'In 1887 by permission of S.D.A. [Sapiens
Dominabitur Astris i.e, Fraulein Anna Sprengel of Nuremberg] a
continental Rosicrusian Adept, the Isis Urania Temple of Hermetic
Students of the G.D. [Golden Dawn] was formed to give instructions
in the medieval Occult sciences. Fratres M.E.V. [Dr.William Robert
Woodman, an eminent 19th century Freemason],
with S.A. [Sapere Aude i.e, Dr.W.W.Westcott,
antiquarian, scholar, Freemason, and coroner by profession], and
S.R.M.D [S. Rhiogail Ma Dhream i.e, S.L. MacGregor Mathers
translator of 'The
Greater Key of King Solomon', the 'Book of the Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Mage' and 'The Qabalah Unveiled'], became the chiefs,
and the latter wrote the rituals in modern English from old
Rosicrucian mss [manuscripts], (the property
of S.A.)
supplemented by his own literary researches.'"
these two statements", says Regardie, "is narrated the
beginning of the Hermetic Order of the Golden dawn an
organisation which has exerted a greater influence on the
development of Occultism since its revival in the last quarter of
the 19th century than most people can realise. There can be little
or no doubt that the Golden Dawn is, or rather was until very
recently, the sole depository of magical knowledge, the only Occult
Order of any real worth that the West in our time has known, and a
great many other occult organisations owe what little magical
knowledge is theirs to leakages issuing from that Order and from its
renegade members... The membership of the Golden Dawn was recruited
from every circle... concerning its membership as a whole the writer
will have nothing to say, except perhaps... it is common knowledge
that W.B. Yeates, Arthur Machen and, if rumour may be trusted, the
late Arnold Bennett were at one time among its members, together
with a good many other writers and artists... As an organisation, it
preferred always to shroud itself in an impenetrable cloak of
mystery." For a
long time, the beginnings of the 'Golden Dawn', and the origins of
Freemasonry, were equally as 'Mysterious': "How the actual
beginning came to pass," says Israel Regardie, "is not
really known. Or rather, because of so many conflicting stories and
legends the truth is impossible to discover. At any rate so far as
England is concerned, without a doubt we must seek for its origins
in the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. This was an organisation
formulated in 1865 by eminent Freemasons, some of them claiming
Rosicrucian initiation from continental authorities. Amongst those
who claimed such initiation was one Kenneth Mackenzie, a Masonic
scholar and encyclopaedist, who had received his at the hands of a
Count Apponyi in Austria. The objects of this Society which confined
its membership to Freemasons of
good standing, was 'to afford mutual aid and encouragement in
working out the great problems of Life, and in discovering the
secrets of nature; to facilitate the study of the systems of
philosophy founded upon Kaballah and the doctrines of Hermes
first Chief of this Society", says Regardie, and "its
Supreme Magus so called, was one Robert Wentworth Little, who is
said to have rescued some old rituals from a certain masonic
storeroom, and it was from certain of those papers that the
Society's rituals were elaborated. He died in 1878, and in his stead
was appointed Dr.William R. Woodman. Both Dr. Westcott and MacGregor
Mathers were prominent and active members of this body. In fact, the
former became Supreme Magus upon Woodman's death, and the office of
Junior Magus being conferred upon Mathers. One legend has it that
one day Westcott discovered in his library a series of cipher
manuscripts, and in order to decipher them he enlisted the aid of
MacGregor Mathers. It is said that this library was that of the
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, and it is likewise asserted that
those cipher manuscripts were among the rituals and documents
originally rescued by Robert Little from Freemason's Hall. Yet other
accounts have it that Wescott found the manuscripts on a bookstall
in Farringdon Street. Further apocryphal legends claim that they
were found in the
library of books and manuscripts from the mystic and clairvoyant,
Frederick Hockley who died in 1885. Whatever the real origin of
these mysterious cypher manuscripts, when eventually deciphered with
the aid of MacGregor Mathers, they were alleged to have contained
the address of Fraulein Sprengel, culminating in the transmission of
authority to Woodman, Westcott and Mathers, to formulate in England
a semi-public occult organisation which was to employ an elaborate
magical ceremonial, Qabalistic teaching, and a comprehensive scheme
of spiritual training. Its foundation was designed to include both
men and women on a basis of perfect equality in contradistinction to
the policy of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia [the S.R.A.] which
was comprised wholly of Freemasons. Thus, in 1887, the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn was established. Its first English Temple,
Isis Urania, was opened in the following year."
then goes on to say: "There is a somewhat different version as
to its origin, having behind it the authority of Frater F.R., the
late Dr. Felkin, who was the Chief of the Stella Matutina as well as
a member of the Societas Rosicruciana". However, following the
rift that developed between some members of the Order; a more
significant twist in the tail of the origins of the Order, came to
the fore. In 1900, according to Regardie: "one Florence Farr,
whose esoteric motto was Soror S.S.D.D., having been left in charge
of Isis‑Urania Temple while Mathers, continued his research
work in Paris, decided for various personal reasons to enter her
resignation from that important post. Under date of February 16th
1900, Mathers, writing
from Paris, refused to accept her resignation, believing that she
intended to 'form a combination to make a schism therein with the
idea of working secretly or avowedly under Sapere Aude' [Westcott].
"In this same letter, he was responsible for the astonishing
statement that S.A. [Westcott] had never been at any time in touch
with Fraulein Sprengel of Nuremburg but had 'either himself forged
the professed or procured to be forged the professed correspondence
between him and her'."
are not isolated incidents; there are major scandals and question
marks hanging over the origins of all branches and degrees of
Freemasonry as well as its sibling rivals, and they span
every epoch; the minor ones such as the one that followed, involved
a court case against Mrs. Rose Horos and her husband, who were
arrested and tried in December 1901, for sexual perversion in
connection with the initiation and obligations of Golden Dawn
Neophytes, which leads us to ask: What is Freemasonry; What are its
origins; and Who or What does it serve?
answer to these and other questions, we are indebted to W.A.
Liddell, mentioned previously, for publishing 'The Pickingill
Papers', which contain conclusive evidence about Freemasonry: the
origins of its ritual practices, and those of its brother and sister
organisations, such as: The Rosicrusian Society of Anglia, and The
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Coming as he does, from a long
line of Hereditary Witches, Mr.Liddell, is more than competent to
recognize the differences between 'Old Style' or 'Traditional Witch-Craft'
and 'Modern Wicca', and the ongoing similarities between the
initiation ceremonies and workings of a Coven and those of a Masonic
Lodge. In so doing, he has established a direct ineffaceable
connection between Celtic Druidism, French Witchcraft and the 3
basic degrees of Freemasonry. The 15th century French miniature,
which he uses on page 48 to demonstrate the point in question, when
we compare it with the illustrations of the equivalent initiation
ceremonies for the first three Masonic Craft degrees, which are, as
you well know: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Crafts, and Master
Masons as the saying goes: If it looks like a rose and smells
like a rose, there is every likelihood that what you're looking at
is indeed a rose. For confirmation see, amongst other authentic
texts: 'Duncan's [USA] Masonic Ritual and Monitor', page 8, ISBN:
0679 506268.
Chapter Four, Medieval French Witchcraft, Page 47, Liddell writes as
follows: "The 15th century miniature affords pictorial evidence
of the parallels which existed between the medieval witch cult and
Freemasonry. This remarkable miniature also depicts the rites of
that segment of the French Craft which was the historical precursor
of the Gardnerian persuasion. The authentic details of a 15th
century Craft initiation should interest Crafters of all
persuasion", refers of course, to that branch of witchcraft
developed by the late Gerald Gardner, a fringe Freemason and cohort
of Aleister Crowley, and one of Britain's most infamous and
influential Witches. Let it not be forgotten, that this foremost
contemporary Witch, obviously saw no difference between the two
Crafts: Witchcraft and the Freemasonic Craft; just as it is hard to
see where 'Fringe Masonry' ends and the Mainstream is supposed to
begin. As can also be seen, the rituals of his modernised Wicca
incorporated not only elements of the "Old Religion"
but also in the Third Wiccan Great Rite 'The
Secret' of Aleister Crowley's fringe Masonic Order the O.T.O. (Ordo
Templi Orientis) of which Crowley himself stated: "The whole of
the knowledge of the 33o degree of the Reduced Rite
(obviously a reference to John Yarker's Ancient and Primitive Rite
which incorporated Scottish Rite Freemasonry) is incorporated in the
first seven degrees of the O.T.O."
In addition to this admission, Kenneth Grant, the current
head of the O.T.O., added: "The first four degrees of the O.T.O.,
retained their traditionally Masonic Character although with
modifications to obviate infringement of the Rules & Regulations
of Orthodox Freemasonry."
in his "Book of Shadows" the main manual of Witchcraft
today; Gardner is said to have "borrowed much of its language
from Freemasonry and imported large chunks wholesale from
Crowley." Furthermore,
the Wiccan Great Secret's origin is now known to have been the Ninth
Degree of the O.T.O. ‑ a point confirmed by the Witch Doreen
Valiente ‑ This Sex Magical Degree which Crowley believed the
whole of Freemasonry hinted at and led towards, significantly the
"Old Religion" of Witchcraft also incorporates a Secret
Sexual Mass according
to the "Pickingill Papers." All this must be seen in the
light of the aforementioned passage on p.699 of Crowley's
'Confessions' correlating 'Master' and 'Mass'. In addition to the
Freemasonic ramifications, this also shows the Black Magical nature
of Gardnerian Wicca and Modern Witchcraft Practitioners.
Furthermore, as our continuing research shows, there are acute
"Thelemic" elements in the Wiccan Craft, again stemming
from Crowley whom it is claimed was initiated into one of the 9
Covens founded by George Pickingill, which helps to explain many of
the similarities between them and the systems they helped spawn. At
which point, we should return to the story of 15th century French
miniature and see how it helps to expose the true nature and origins
of Freemasonry. Liddell, states:
actual ceremony is depicted as a 'tableau vivant', with the female
leader preparing to admit the male candidate. One notes that the
three female Crafters have convened at a crossroads on a hilltop to
initiate a man. A wood and a church at the foot of the hill are in
the immediate environs. The four cardinal points are observed. The
God [A Goat] stands in the north. The young widow, who substitutes
for the absent male officer, 'mans' the east. (Gardner mentions that
in 'the old days', when there was nobody of sufficient rank to take
the position of the 'Devil', or male leader of the Coven, the High
Priestess belted on the sword and 'acts as a man'). The female
leader technically mans the south, because she contrives to touch
the southern station
with her feet. The Maiden mans the West. The three Craft 'officers';
are positioned to form an inverted triangle. This is an obvious
parallel with Freemasonry. The 'Master' is situated in the east, the
Junior Warden in the south and the Senior Warden in the west. The
north is unattended when the basic three degrees are worked.
Gardner's detractors should note that the sigils common to both
Freemasonry and the Craft can be discerned in this grouping of 15th
century Crafters. Specific 'male' and 'female' sigils are associated
with the grids along which the 'Power' flows. Medieval Crafters were
stationed to afford maximum 'Power' during an initiation. Internal
evidence in the miniature suggests that this ostensibly
God‑orientated coven honours both the God and the Goddess...
Modern Freemasons have perpetuated the concept of the Saracen
Square... Contemporary Freemasons honour the 'holy ground' by using
tracing boards to delineate the form of the lodge. Chalk, charcoal
and tape were formerly used to mark out on the floor the detail from
the lodge. Bro. B.E. Jones states on pp 396‑397 of the
Freemason's Guide & Compendium:‑
floor lines in chalk, tape etc. delineated 'the form of lodge',
which seems to suggest that to our Brethren the lodge was not so
much the room in which they met, but the space ‑ 'the holy
ground' ‑ enclosed within the outlines drawn on the floor...
There is reason to suppose that at one time the circumambulation of
the lodge meant merely walking around the lines drawn on the floor.'
miniature reveals the origin of the Masonic phrase 'to square the
circle'. The Crafters are grouped in a circle within an oblong
square...The square represents the Life aspect and is ascribed to
the God. The circle represents the Form aspect and is ascribed to
the Goddess. The initiate 'squares the circle' by reconciling the
male and female
currents within his own being. He is then a self‑conscious and
self‑perfected god. The upright triangle, the inverted
triangle, the pentagram, the lozenge, the circle and the square can
all be discerned in the miniature. This circumstance should silence
certain of Gardner's detractors who foolishly allege that the sigils
of Wicca were borrowed either from Freemasonry or the Golden dawn.
One stresses that the inverted triangle, the diamond lozenge and the
circle have been associated with Scandinavian fertility goddesses
for over 2000 years..."
goes on to point out that the bulk of Freemasonry from its rites of
initiation, symbolism and practice are, how ever disguised,
primarily derived from Hereditary Witch Lore. The divesting of the
candidate of all metal, is a case in point: Prior to the initiation
of the Masonic Candidate he is divested of all metal like the
neophyte of Witchcraft. In Chapter Six, Liddell, states: "The
Hereditary Craft proscribes the use of
metal at convocations. Authentic 'Hereditary' covens eschew
the use of either metal or weapons. Metal is proscribed at
convocations because Hereditary covens convene at recognised 'ley'
centres...The use of metal in any form impedes the flow of 'Power'
which can be generated in a circle." This is born out by the
events which regularly took place above the Goat and Compasses, on
Euston Road in London, a Public House formerly owned by the
Westminster Wine Company, and managed by a friend's father. This was
where the Masonic Lodges of Instruction met, and from whom I learned
about this particular practice. To ensure that the Candidate was
completely without any metal on him, he was issued with pyjamas for
his initiation. The Goat and Compasses, of course, was the perfect
name for a such activities. It really did stand for 'The
Goat-God Encompasses Us', or the Grand Baphomet. Which brings
me to the final point, the Grand Omnific Word, Jah-Bal-On.
your information. The real meaning of Jah-Bal-On, can be
found in my book: 'Satanic Voices ‑ Ancient & Modern'. The
Royal Arch, or Seventh Degree convenes, following 9 knocks and the
High Priest whispering in the King's ear the pass-word RABBONI.
The Companions who must be 9 in number, meet in three groups
of three; and standing in three circles place their right feet in
the centre and form a triangle, similarly their left hands reach out
and clasp the left wrist of one of the other three, and then, raise
their right hands above their heads into an arch and clasping each
on the wrist form the third of three triangles. This is also done in
the reverse order: Then having recited a few poetic verses:
"They then balance three times three bringing the three clasped
right hands with some force down on the three clasped left
hands". This action forms a hexagram or star of David Alroy,
and then each group of three recites a component part of the 'Grand
Omnific Word': Jah‑Buh‑Lun. Je‑Ho‑Vah.
G‑O‑D. "At Low Breath."
9 times or 3x3. The degree lecture states that [following
this act of simulated copulation]: "we receive a wonderful
accession of knowledge, and we find everything made perfect: for
this is the ne plus ultra of Masonry, and can never be exceeded by
any human institution."
our research shows about this combination of words is as follows:
or Jah‑Bal‑On: The Power of the Compeller and the Power
of the Lord Jehova. If we take the spelling in English with its
sound it would mean that:‑ Jah: is the existing object.
Releasing of air from ones self (at low breath) as if to bestow
upon. While one does not hold back a thing or restrain the self. (In
which case) There is no stimulation to the brain or spinal cord,
this is a sound of the seeker of the path. The giving up of the self
to receive new inspiration or force: Soul force. To empty out. Thus
Jah as established above is as is stated: the sound.
or Bul: is expelling again but without the total expelling for this
is a cut off sound and is only partially open as a sound. Mild yet
within the realm of understanding as a subtle awareness.
or Lon: the sound of the mentally aware or spiritually aware as it
would be in the case of the mystic. This is the sound of the Oyster
that contains the pearl...This is the sound of the opening of the
soul and the closing of the flesh.
is in its entirety a word which begins spiritually giving and
contains the flesh of the seeker or (the flesh of) those who arrive
at repeating or calling upon this word. Yet Jabulon compells its
subjects and those who use it compel others.
that Ja or Jah the sound means Jehova or Yahweh and are the same
word as well as the same sound. Jabulon and the words are sound
words that call entities into being. For every sound and combination
of sounds there is an entity. Although these sounds are the
releasing of or cause the releasing of ones soul force we find great
problems when a combination of sounds are not noted with some form
of stimulation to the brain or spinal cord; as in the case of
calling something into being. This word is an unfamiliar combination
of sounds that are of a positive nature. This word Jabulon (its
sound) is to call forth the compelling force of hell and hellish
beings or entities. Do not use this word, limit your saying of this
word, it is not good."
next time you refer to Dr.Westcott as "harmless" or try to
make out that the "English Rosicrucian Society" is
innocuous, it would be wise to get your facts right. For it is no
exaggeration to state that: "Pickingill's machinations
materially influenced the founding of the S.R.A.(in 1865) and the
G.D. (in 1888)." And as such certainly influenced people like
Wescott, Yarker, Jennings, Hughan, Little, et al. As Liddell so
rightly pointed out: "A newspaper obituary claimed that England
had produced two outstanding magicians ‑ Merlin and George
Pickingill..." It is monstrous to propose that anyone,
Freemason or otherwise, schooled
in the art of witchcraft by Britain's foremost Witch, with a
traceable pedigree going back to 1071 A.D., could ever be considered
harmless. Immane would be a more fitting epithet.
Old Testament, used on most occasions by the United Grand Lodge as
"The Book of Sacred Law" contains the following
instructions: "There shall not be found among you any one that
maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that
useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a
witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a
wizard, or a necromancer for all that do these things are an
abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the
Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee... for these
nations, which thou shalt possess, harkened unto observers of times,
and unto diviners: but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not
suffered thee so to do." (Deuteronomy 18:9-14)
David Musa Pidcock |
Date Published:
Autumn/Winter 1996 |
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